Plugin Format

There are 3 types of valid format of a MCDR plugin, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the user cases

See this repository for examples of all plugin formats

Plugin format inheriting tree:

  • Solo Plugin

  • Multi file Plugin (Abstract)

    • Packed Plugin

    • Directory Plugin

Solo Plugin

Solo Plugin consists of a single python .py source file. It’s the plugin format which aims for easy to write and rapid development

Being restricted with the one-file-only file format, some features are missing in solo plugin:

  1. Python requirement check is not supported

  2. Directly import from other plugin is not supported. Other plugin can only use get_plugin_instance() to access your plugin

  3. Cannot be added to MCDR plugin catalogue

When you only want to create a simple plugin as fast as possible, creating a solo plugin is always a good choice

Example file tree that contains a single solo plugin:


Multi file Plugin

Multi file plugin is the collective name for the following two plugin format, Packed Plugin and Directory Plugin

The biggest difference between multi file plugin and solo plugin is that, it can consist of multiple files, rather than being limited into 1 single .py file. Therefore, more features are supported in a multi file plugin which make it easier to create a general plugin

Packed Plugin

Packed plugin is a zip type compressed file with file extension name .mcdr or .pyz. It’s the recommended plugin format for distribution

A minimum packed plugin consists of the following files at its zip root

  • mcdreforged.plugin.json, contains the metadata of the plugin

  • a valid python package with your plugin id

Here’s an example file tree of a minimum packed plugin with plugin id my_plugin:

 └─ MyPlugin.mcdr
     ├─ my_plugin/
     │   └─
     └─ mcdreforged.plugin.json

Optionally, a packed plugin can have some other useful files that will be recognized by MCDR:

  • requirements.txt, indicating the python package requirement of your plugin. It’ll be checked before plugin loading

  • lang/, a folder storing translation files in json (.json) or yaml (.yml) format. MCDR will automatically load and register translation files in this folder

You can include any other files or folders inside your packed plugin. You can access them via open_bundled_file() method in ServerInterface

Here’s an example file tree of a valid packed plugin with more possible files:

 └─ MyPlugin.mcdr
     ├─ my_plugin/
     │   ├─
     │   └─
     ├─ my_data/
     │   ├─ default_config.json
     │   └─ some_data.txt
     ├─ lang/
     │   ├─ en_us.json
     │   └─ zh_cn.json
     ├─ mcdreforged.plugin.json
     └─ requirements.txt

In addition to .mcdr file extension, the python zip app file extension .pyz is also valid for a packed plugin.

Although it’s not as obvious to be a MCDR plugin as .mcdr, but for those plugins who provide the functionality to run in command line outside MCDR environment, using .pyz extension can explicitly show that they support command line operation

Directory Plugin

Directory plugin has exactly the same file structure as Packed Plugin. The only difference is that all files of a directory plugins are inside a directory instead of a .mcdr zip file

Directory plugin is mostly used for debug purpose inside the plugin directory of MCDR

Here’s an example file tree of a directory plugin:

 └─ MyPlugin/
     ├─ my_plugin/
     │   ├─
     │   └─
     ├─ mcdreforged.plugin.json
     └─ requirements.txt

Directory plugin will always be treated as “modified” during !!MCDR reload plugin Hot reloads command

Linked Directory Plugin

Linked directory plugin is a specialized form of directory plugin, primarily designed for MCDR plugin developers

It functions similarly to a symbolic link (symlink) that links to a regular Directory Plugin. Compared to a real symlink, it is easier to create and offers better isolation.

To create a linked directory plugin, imply create a directory that includes a file named mcdreforged.linked_directory_plugin.json:

 └─ MyLinkedDirectoryPlugin/
     └─ mcdreforged.linked_directory_plugin.json

The mcdreforged.linked_directory_plugin.json file contains an object with a sole key target, which specifies the path to the actual directory plugin to be loaded:

    "target": "/path/to/the/target/directory/plugin/"

The file structure of the target directory plugin appears as follows:

 ├─ my_plugin/
 │   ├─
 │   └─
 ├─ mcdreforged.plugin.json
 └─ requirements.txt

Added in version v2.12.0.